The number of Iqos adherents is growing exponentially every day, just like Iqos Friendly establishments. What is the phenomenon of this gadget to purchase HEETS online? To answer the question, we had to do a little research, visit the presentation of the new Iqos 3 duo model and observe its users.

Many familiar analog items have turned into a gadget: an electric toothbrush, a navigator in a smartphone instead of paper maps, an Apple watch, a dog collar with a GPS beacon, electronic cigarettes instead of traditional ones. Until recently, gadgets had to compete only with their outdated pre-digital predecessors, now they compete for our attention with each other.
In addition to technology, Iqos also captivates with its design: aesthetics of minimalism, rounded contours, materials pleasant to the touch, thoughtful color palette – that’s all about it. The gadget fits comfortably in the palm, the elegant holder is easy and pleasant to hold in your fingers. Each element in the device seems to be perfected: the side door on magnetic fasteners moves smoothly and silently, there is nothing superfluous on the body, removable elements – doors and caps – can be changed to other colors according to the mood. The new Iqos 3 duo has added another color to the line of gadgets – copper. Before that there were white, black, gold and blue to purchase HEETS online.

Iqos is closer to the spirit of conscious consumption. If a person, understanding the consequences of smoking, continues to do this, then he has a reason. Most often, psychological or social. This means that a product is needed that can satisfy these needs, but at the same time reduce the negative consequences. Iqos is able to completely replace cigarettes for smokers – the same ritual, the same sensations – and at the same time significantly eliminate the harm to health, this is also a reason to order HEETS online.

Furthermore, the consumers purchase HEETS online because it is a method to spare their cash. But not all webshops can promote and let you order HEETS online in the same way.
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