Iqos is neither the first nor the only alternative. There were also vapes and e-cigarettes, but they could not truly replace smoking. But now, numerous smokers wish to order cheap Heets online. Something went wrong? It seems that there are dozens of times more flavor combinations, and the ability to customize the device, change the nicotine concentration and vaporization intensity, and the price is affordable. But vaping failed to go beyond the limits of a small marginal niche. The reason is the notorious user experience. Manufacturers focused on “how it will be better”, and not on what smokers are used to and want. More steam, more flavors, more models and dressings for every taste. It turned out that users didn’t need it. Then what do they need? What caused them to order cheap Heets online?

In simplicity: they do not have to read the instructions for different vape models. They know what they will get and order cheap Heets online. And what will they get?
Expected taste. Usually the person who smokes wants to taste and smell the tobacco, not the caramels and passion fruit syrup.

When developing IQOS, innovations were not chased for the sake of innovations, but were aimed at what users really need. Moreover, each next model of the gadget is released based on the feedback and wishes of users.
For example, the IQOS 3 duo allows you to use 2 sticks one after the other without a pause to recharge.

Next-generation gadgets need to be smart. IQOS, for example, has built-in Bluetooth to connect to a mobile app. It can help you find your lost IQOS.
On top of that, smart electronics save unused power. For example, if you used the IQOS faster than the maximum performance allows, then the IQOS 3 duo will use the unspent energy to accelerate charging. As a result, after two uses, the holder will charge in just 10+ seconds. The second improvement is the NFC chip integrated into the IQOS 3 duo.

This is a sufficiently detailed explanation why the consumers prefer to order cheap Heets online.
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